CDN: 1 855 323 4343     USA: 1 866 935 9218

CANADA: 1 855 323 4343

USA: 1 866 935 9218

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Find your local access number anywhere you are in North America.

G3 Local Access Numbers

Simply dial the access number in your city and the long distance number with all area codes:

Canada, USA & the Caribbean:

Dial 1 + Area Code + Phone number + #

International Countries:

Dial 011 + Country Code + Area Code + Phone number + #

Select your country:

Access numbers for Canadian customers

For FREE TRIAL or FREE MINUTES CARD users, click here.

Eastern Canada
Toronto (416) 883-8835
Toronto (Secondary) (416) 848-8328
Barrie (705) 481-1320
Belleville (613) 480-6127
Halifax (902) 482-2102
Hamilton (905) 481-2111
Kingston (613) 887-8322
Kitchener (519) 489-2172
London (519) 488-1024
Montreal (514) 448-8262
Oshawa (905) 674-1010
Ottawa (613) 482-9002
Peterborough (705) 201-5213
Quebec City (418) 781-8500
St. Catharines / Niagara Falls (905) 378-1000
Sarnia (519) 704-1561
Sudbury (705) 479-5141
Sherbrooke, QC (819) 780-2730
Trois Rivieres, QC (819) 840-8690
Windsor (519) 968-0212
Western Canada
Vancouver (604) 639-5455
Vancouver (Secondary) (604) 484-5921
Abbotsford (604) 755-3599
Calgary (403) 538-6699
Calgary (Secondary) (403) 770-7987
Edmonton (780) 701-3408
Edmonton (Secondary) (780) 669-0136
Fort McMurray (780) 748-3090
Grand Prairie (780) 833-5719
Kamloops (250) 434-5914
Kelowna (250) 469-9099
Lethbridge (403) 388-8452
Medicine Hat (403) 488-5030
Prince George (250) 277-2600
Red Deer (403) 755-6651
Regina (306) 566-4804
Terrace (250) 631-4748
Victoria (250) 412-3028
Whistler (604) 935-7554
Winnipeg (204) 480-9987



(Surcharge of 3¢/minute applies)

*An applicable surcharge will apply if you use our toll-free number from a payphone.

Important: Please ensure our access number provided is local to your particular phone number. G3 Telecom will not be responsible for any long distance charges you may incur in dialing our local access number(s).

Click here to read our long distance service agreement.